New Next Meeting

Deferred Propositions

Proposition Reference Title Proposition Migrated To
P.2024/22 Prop1 Example details new words
Procedural Motion (* P.2024/22 ) Procedural Motion for the following propositions: * P.2024/22
HSC, DPA, SMC New words added
Rule 26(1) Motion (* ) Rule 26(1) Motion for the following propositions: *
P.2024/333 Prop

Finished Propositions

Proposition Reference Voted Title Overall Result Pour Contre Ne vote pas Did not vote Absent Total
19/06/2024 09:00 Rule 26(1) Motion (* P.2024/22 ) Pour 1 0 0 0 49 50
P.2022/51 19/07/2024 10:06 Duplicate of Duplicate of Duplicate of Duplicate of Duplicate of Duplicate of Test line 1 Pour 1 0 0 0 49 50